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New World Answers from “The Celestine Prophecy”

There are no coincidences, only synchronicities, things we may originally believe are “coincidental.” Basically we think it’s a random chance that we stumble upon a person we haven’t seen in years or we start to see repeating numbers on a regular basis. Logic tells us this is coincidence, that we are paying attention to it, therefore we see it more.

When I started reading about angel numbers, I began looking for them, but they didn’t appear. I wanted to see them, but they weren’t there. That’s how I knew, months later, when I began seeing them everywhere that it wasn’t just coincidence. My guides were beginning to speak with me, and even though I don’t see them (yet), I feel them there. I began to finally feel energies from crystals (welcome to 5D, right?). I can’t see the auras around people, but I know they are there. I know that I am finally integrating years of study into my every day life, and it’s so magical!

I went to a shaman/psychic/seer a couple weeks ago and asked her for my purpose. I want to write. It’s my art form. I lose myself in the flow of it. Time stops, and suddenly, I wake up, pages later, and an hour or more has passed. I have pages worth of my thoughts, and I feel complete again. She told me I am in the right career, as a flight attendant. I have a power to speak to people exactly where they are in their mind, life, background, whatever (tell me if there is a name for this gift). My bipolar isn’t bipolar. I am psychic, she said. I see flashes of my memory at times and feel overwhelmed with emotions (especially memories of my manic episodes). I have a vision something may happen, and I must take action. If I don’t take the precaution I’ve thought of, whatever I’ve seen happens. Little things, like losing a book. I wonder lately if lowering my meds more will connect me more deeply with my gifts and the Divine. 

She said where I work I will be a form of a shaman who helps my passengers emotionally in a way others cannot. Last week, I picked up The Celestine Prophecy after four years of total transformation. Four years ago, I was a born-again Christian (I want to say this was probably the third or fourth time). I grew up in a community full of white, Christian Republicans and in a family where your relationship with Christ and going to church was the most important aspect of your life. I would rebel for a few years and then inevitably return to the faith, as guilt and fear was instilled in me from my childhood (if you read my first post you know that eventually I left the church because my last fears of going to hell seemed like a really stupid reason to continue believing in something, but I still know the Bible has great wisdom and am glad I know stories from Jesus’s life).

My fiancé (then boyfriend) is not a Christian, in fact he doesn’t like most labels, and now I understand why. I held out faith that he would attain salvation by committing his life to Christ. Instead I was about to embark on a whirlwind of spiritual readings that led me to Soberish and where I am today, totally content (even though I’m often experiencing ascension flu symptoms lately). He was the one who gave me The Celestine Prophecy.

In 2016, I thought the book was very fanciful, an interesting coming-of-age and “sci-fi” (because of all the energy talk) novel, but some of it resonated. I took what aligned with Christianity and classified it as “fiction.” 

Man, can four years make a difference! Reading this book as a conscious, mindful being has given me perspective. This book is a parable, a story of people in Peru seeking life-changing insights that relate parallel to our timeline today.

Check out the summary of insights I came up with and see if your jaw drops as dramatically as mine (I’m sure I’m pretty late to this party, but if you haven’t read it, pick up the book maybe before reading these possible *spoilers*):

1) We obtain an awareness of the world and begin to notice the “coincidences” in our lives, like when we wonder about something and a book or person suddenly appears with our answer. A mass collective realizes there is another side to life (a spiritual realm, other dimensions/timelines, etc.). Once the group number reaches critical mass (through the twentieth and into the twenty-first century) and asks what “mysterious process underlies human life on these planets,” the following insights will soon be found out, and “the culture will shift.”

2) The Second Insight has the narrator imagine himself watching the last millennium: With little to no knowledge of advanced science (during the Medieval Ages), people rely on the church for their world views. The priests tell the people (because they are the ones who read and interpret the Bible) that their instructions are to be followed for a successful life (like fertile soil and crops) and salvation or risk excommunication/damnation. A group, led by Martin Luther, rebels due to the church’s corruption (priests violating their own vows and giving leeway to head officials in exchange for money). A mistrust for authority grows. Explorers are sent out using the scientific method to discover the world and find our place/meaning in it. Science proves new discoveries, but our meaning is pushed aside.

We have become preoccupied instead by using our resources to find security and build new technologies. However, the Manuscript says, “The preoccupation was a necessary development, a stage in human evolution.” The time to seek awareness was soon inevitable.

3) There are energy fields around all matter on this planet and when we focus energy and love on plants, they grow to be more potent and grow faster and stronger. We can see these fields of energy; scientists at the research fields of Viciente (a scientific community and gathering where plants are studied in the book) find this is easier for people who eat mostly vegetables, especially those they grow themselves. 

4) Humans are in a “vast competition for energy and thus for power.” We will soon find, the Fourth Insight says, a source to receive our energy so this toxic exchange will no longer exist.

5) The energy from Source can be transmitted out of pure appreciation and focus on the beauty around us and projecting love to the object we focus on. Some of us have had mystical experiences that show us “the magnitude of energy one can acquire…like leaping ahead of everyone else and glimpsing the future.” It’s impossible to explain this feeling to someone who is still existing in normal consciousness (3D).

6) We are disconnected from this energy when we fall back into our unconscious “control drama,” an unhealthy coping technique we developed in childhood. Most people fall into one of four categories (and we use those techniques at different times with different people and situations, even if not our usual “control drama”). A control drama, as the author James Redfield calls it, is our way of controlling people and situations and of gaining energy from other people. The four types of dramas are Interrogator, Intimidator, Aloof, and Poor Me.

The interrogator and intimidator are aggressive control dramas, while the aloof and poor me are considered passive. The interrogator “sets up a drama of asking questions and probing into another person’s world with the specific purpose of finding something wrong.” The other person feels self-conscious and plays into the drama by worrying what the interrogator thinks, trying not to make a mistake around them. This drains the other’s energy.

The intimidator threatens. The other person fears them and gives them energy by their fear of the intimidator. The aloof withdraws, attempting to remain secretive, “…hoping someone will be pulled into this drama and will try to figure out what is going on [with them]. When someone does, [they] remain vague, forcing them to struggle and dig and try to discern [their] feelings.” This full attention draws energy. The poor me victimizes themself, complaining about all the bad stuff happening to them and maybe places the blame on the other person. Then the energy is given to them.

We formed our drama in childhood to protect ourselves from our parents taking our energy through their control dramas. We must identify our control drama and clear the manipulation through seeing its formation and being aware when it comes up. When we identify our parents’ control dramas we can see why our control drama was formed and find how our purpose relates to theirs.

7) We must then keep “our current life questions firmly in mind” and be alert (mindful and not on autopilot), “watching for direction, either in a dream or in an intuitive thought or in a the way the environment illuminates and jumps out at us.” We can send people energy in the same way we receive energy from nature (appreciating one’s beauty and sending love). We must follow our intuition/guidance to find people/situations that have a message for us. By sending them energy, they will have clarity to give us the message/answer we seek. Through this process, we grow and gain a higher vibration.

Remember, “every event has significance and contains a message that somehow pertains to our questions.” Every event, whether we perceive it as negative or positive, teaches us.

8) Children’s control dramas or “learned manipulations” can be avoided through constant energy/attention from adults; these adults can and should be expanded beyond parents. Children should learn from adults and not other children. They should be spoken to and not about. A child should be told the truth always and can be told at a level of their own understanding.

Next, we must not become addicted to another person. Love begins with two people feeding each other energy equally, true bliss, but if we cut ourselves off from the Universe (Source), we can create another power dynamic (this is where co-dependency stems from) where we use manipulation again to force another’s energy our way.

We can also be addicted to the opposite sex’s energy (feminine or masculine) as we, often times, have not fully integrated that part of ourselves, and this can create unhealthy expectations of the opposite sex parent (father to daughter for example). That parent must always relate honestly what they are doing and why and “have enough energy to supply [the child] unconditionally even though [the parent] can’t do everything [the child] asks.” The child can then view the parent as a human with “talents and faults.”

9) On to THE NEW WORLD, a culmination of all the insights (starts on page 222 in my copy)… “humans will voluntarily decrease our populations so that we all may live in the most powerful and beautiful places on the Earth…we will intentionally let the forests go uncut so that they can mature and build energy.”

By the middle of the next millennium, humans will typically live among five hundred year old trees and carefully tended gardens, yet within easy travel distance of incredible technological wizardry. By then, the means of survival—foodstuffs and clothing and transportation—will all be totally automated and at everyone’s disposal. Our needs will be completely met without the exchange of any currency, yet also without any overindulgence or laziness.”

Guided by their intuitions, everyone will know precisely what to do and when to do it, and this will fit harmoniously with the actions of others. No one will consume excessively because we will have let go of the need to possess and to control for security. In the next millennium, life will have become about something else.”

…our sense of purpose will be satisfied by the thrill of our own evolution—by the elation of receiving intuitions and then watching closely as our destinies unfold. The Ninth depicts a human world where everyone has slowed down and become more alert, ever vigilant for the next meaningful encounter that comes along. We will know that it could occur anywhere: on a path that winds through a forest, for instance, or on a bridge that traverses some canyon.”

Can you visualize human encounters that have this much meaning and significance? Each will first observe the other’s energy field, exposing any manipulations. Once clear, they will consciously share life stories until, elatedly, messages are discovered. Afterward, each will go forward again on their individual journey, but they will be significantly altered. They will vibrate at a new level and will thereafter touch others in a way not possible before their meeting.”

In the first shift, we will demand an end to economic activity that damages trees, rivers, mountains, and so on, as we have developed an awe for the beauty in nature. During this time, people will discover their purpose as well and often realize they must change careers. Technological automation in creating goods will free up people’s time, and they may pursue their true purpose. People will crave more free time and cut their hours, which will free up part-time positions for those “displaced by the automation.”

“…Our incomes will remain stable because of the people who are giving us money for the insights we provide.” We begin to understand energy dynamics so we are more willing to give, so incomes will remain steady (abundance mindset and money as energy). The idea of spiritual tithing in the Bible is not just about giving to churches; it’s about supporting the universe! We will then give to those who give us spiritual truths, and gifts will return back to you many times!

“We will have moved through the next stage of evolving into our right occupation and will be entering the stage of getting paid for evolving freely and offering our unique truth to others…as more and more parts of the economy are automated, currency will disappear altogether. We won’t need it. If we are correctly following our intuitive guidance then we will take only what we need,” and we will know “that the natural areas of the Earth have to be nurtured and protected for the sources of incredible power that they are.”

The Ninth goes on to say “religions become corrupted when leaders are assigned to explain God’s will to the people instead of showing them how to find this direction within themselves.” Soon, we will follow those who showed us how to connect to Source, and that we will increase our energy until our vibration is so high and we are so light that those vibrating at a lower level think we have disappeared. This crossing-over from this world into the space we came from and where we go when we die was shown to us by Christ when he walked on water. The Mayans crossed over together, and in the third millennium we will do the same with our soul groups.

And here we are friends, now at the precipice of a new culture; we’ve already begun exchanges of currency for spiritual instruction and messages, and that will only increase. I think the description of our new world is here, within the pages of The Celestine Prophecy. It was the perfect time for me to pick up this book, as it summarizes my own journey and integration of the Christian belief system into spirituality; I also listened to the Soberish episode “The Tower” before reading the chapter about the Ninth Insight, the new world we are evolving into. We have the destination; now let’s create the map.

Quotes taken from James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy


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