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Opening to Channel

I just found a book at Twice Upon a Time (the secondhand bookstore by our house) called Opening to Channel. It was published in 1987! I still can't believe that this information was out in the world back in the 80s. I think it would have been harder back then to connect with other people who believe in all this woo stuff, and I'm glad that I woke up during this day and age where I can connect with people in the Soberish Facebook groups and listen to podcasts and know I'm not alone.

I know it wouldn't have been as easy to get the information I have now. But I also have to remember that information shows up exactly when we need it. So I would have to trust that the Universe was sending me everything I needed when I was ready for it. Like finding a book on a park bench someone left behind, right when I needed that information, that teacher. Or running into someone that gives me a piece of information I would later apply to my life or they introduce me to someone I needed for whatever purpose: healing, friendship, etc.

It always makes me think of a video game. I don't really play them, but I know that in certain video games, you have to go talk to people to acquire information or items to further your journey in the game. Life is no different.

It's crazy how powerful our thoughts are. My therapist today was telling me he was at a concert with a family member and to prove how powerful thoughts are, he would stare at the back of someone's head for a while, and they would inevitably turn around. Our energy is so powerful! I've been thinking about that lately as I have been working on a Reiki class online. She talks about infusing Reiki into all kinds of everyday tasks, like chopping cucumbers in your kitchen.

These thoughts about how powerful our thoughts and intentions are came up again as I was listening to the new episode of Woo as Fuck. I definitely relate to Megan, who talks about how she would be considered a kitchen witch. I feel exactly the same way! When I'm cooking, I feel like everything I do is more powerful when I do it slowly with a loving intention, even something as simple as stirring sugar into a coffee cup. I just feel like I'm doing something healing for myself or the person I'm making the drink for. And of course I am!

I've been feeling lately that I have been listening too much to all the knowledge and wisdom from other pnplug enough to get that wisdom from myself. Journaling is a great way for me to do that. I feel as if I am channeling spiritual wisdom when I sit down and write and I'm in flow. And I feel happier when I make the time to follow inspiration when it hits me and go in solitude to write. It's nowtt always possible to do that with a 9-month-old at home, but I also try to record my thoughts on my phone when I have an idea so I can return to it later. Or just to work through it all in conversation (with myself but it's definitely helpful) and then just delete it.

I also look back at my manic episodes and see where I was using spiritual practices effortlessly, just because they came to me in the moment and I didn't care what anyone thought of me because I was in my own reality and just did them. Like when I believed I was Elsa from Frozen in the psych hospital. I ran into my room at one point, terrified of another patient. I shut the door and started to use my hands to form icicles across the door. I could picture the ice forming from floor to ceiling, creating a protection spell for myself, so I was safe in my room.

I used to think that was a crazy side of me coming out, and maybe that's a little true. But now I'm looking back and know that girl is connected to her body and the spiritual realm and knows exactly how to work with energy without any help from books or podcasts or YouTube videos on spirituality. I want to connect to her again. I want to know her better. Now I know that spiritual wisdom is there buried inside me.

I've been feeling lately that I have been listening too much to all the knowledge and wisdom from other people, but I don't unplug enough to get that wisdom from myself. Journaling is a great way for me to do that. I feel as if I am channeling spiritual wisdom when I sit down and write and I'm in flow. And I feel happier when I make the time to follow inspiration when it hits me and go in solitude to write. It's not always possible to do that with a 9-month-old at home, but I also try to record my thoughts on my phone when I have an idea so I can return to it later. Or just to work through it all in conversation (with myself) and then just delete it.

I'm setting these intentions a little early, since the new moon isn't for another week, but my goal in this next moon cycle is to focus on being in my body more. This will most often include unplugging from technology and people and finding a quiet space to ground and reconnect with the Divine through meditation and sound therapy. And I need to remember too to journal and prioritize myself because if my cup isn't filled, I have nothing to give to the people I love.

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