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A Departure from My Usual Thoughts on Traveling (Yay, You Get to Hear About My Bipolar!)

I identify with everyone who has a mental illness that makes them experience delusions. Other people don't know what is like to experience a different reality out of your control (other than someone who has been drugged; if do you drugs, however, that's in your control, and you have some level of expectation of whatever comes next).

Mania seems so normal. It's hard to realize you're in it when you're in it. A first recognizable symptom is not sleeping. If a bipolar individual is only sleeping an hour or two at a time (at night), mania will soon follow. Then, there's the racing of thoughts and grandiose ideas. They all seem normal to her, and other people seem to be in on all of it. Her mind is running a thousand miles an hour, so it's hard to focus on one clear thought, such as, "Am I manic right now?" If she finally reaches that thought, she realizes she is.

Most people never get there.

They run around chasing every fantasy their whims tell them make total sense (like moving in with hobos or quitting school to pack up and move to Oregon) without stopping to think, "Does this make sense?" Sure, following your intuition and thinking like a superhero sounds like a beautiful recipe for manifestation and following your dreams, but without a level of logic and common sense, you could end up with a maxed out credit card, no job, and an STD.

The consequences when you wake up from a mania can be horrible, especially the lost friendships. I always lose friends. It's hard to listen to a person who's always honest about how they're feeling and isn't currently living in your timeline/reality. In her reality, she's pregnant and waiting for a proposal. In your reality, she's lying and trying to ruin your life and reputation because she's telling her friends you're going to marry her, and you never even dated.

When you wake up from your manic reality, it's hard to see what you did and said. It may have gotten worse for me every episode because my parents weren't there in my later episodes to monitor my social media use. I sent a group message to all my friends that I was pregnant (this is a common belief when I'm manic; I'm not sure why); then I went to the psychiatric hospital twice and fell off the face of the earth (if I was even there to begin with). My friends all wondered what happened to me for months. Internet exposure during mania is a huge recipe for disaster.

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