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Adulting in the Flight Industry

There are adjustments in this job that most people don't have to deal with on a weekly basis, only those of us that travel for business know how it feels. You come home, with nothing to do. It's nice to have a lot of days off, but everyone has their lives. They all have a schedule, and you have nothing. All I want to do is come home and spend time with David, and right now it's great. If he doesn't have work, neither of us have plans, and we'll do whatever on a whim: go to the movies, go to lunch with his mom, or stay at home and sleep 'til noon and drink coffee until three.

At first, when I had a lot of friendships, they didn't understand that when I was home and off, David and I just wanted to date and spend time together because I would be leaving again before we knew it. We are both very independent, but it's hard not to be selfish with each other's time when we only get to see each other a few days a week. It's not like a regular work week, where we get to see each other every night.

My schedule has improved since I first started my job and we were dating. At first, I lived in Denver, while he lived in Grand Junction, and I would visit once a month. After I put David on my benefits, he would take time off to come see me too. At least now we get to see each other every week.

I prioritize my time at home over money now, my quality of life. I am happier here at home with David than I would be at my job. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! That's the only reason I won't quit (and the kick-ass benefits don't hurt of course), but it's hard to be away from home, and I always think about what will change when we have kids. Will I be able to maintain the coming and going on a weekly basis? Emotionally, I can't imagine it being very easy.

I can't get too comfortable at home, unless I have four days off or more. When I have two days off (like right now, as I came home on Tuesday afternoon and leave again Friday morning), it's a whirlwind. Throwing my bags and my uniform off is my first step to making myself at home, but with only two days to plan for work again, I need to pick up medication, shop for food (for my next trip), attend my weekly visit to the chiropractor, and wash my uniform, all while trying to enjoy the precious moments I have at home with my fiancé and sometimes throw in visit with my future in-laws. It's hard to squeeze friends into any of those moments.

It's too bad my co-workers all live in Denver, and I don't see them anymore. When I lived with girls from training, I had friends. Co-workers int the flight industry may not see each other for years. Now, unfortunately, I have monthly visits with them (if that) and our relationships consist of texts and Facebook messages while I'm away (which is most of the time; if I'm not at work, David and I are on vacation). As an adult, I now get why everyone says that their significant other is their best friend. In my case, I am thankful that that is true because he's been my best friend for a long time now, and we can talk about everything, but I think in most people's cases, they just don't have time to make friends or maintain friendships with anyone else.

I guess I've been thinking about girl friendships a lot this week, as most of the Spanish/French rom-coms I've been watching always consist of three best girl-friends with the tightest relationship, and I just do they have time for any of that? *Sigh* must be nice...

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