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When I Am Older...

When I was in sixth grade, all I wanted was to be where I am today, looking outside at the snowy tarmac and watching the planes fly and drive past while in the familiar glass bridge in the Denver airport. I'm dreaming of Christmas even though it's early November, since people walk by with their bright red holiday cups from Starbucks, saying "Merry Merry Merry." I'm drinking my own coconut milk vanilla steamer covered in dark green, the color of bridesmaids' dresses at my wedding soon-to-come. All I wanted in sixth grade was to be a flight attendant or a journalist and travel whenever I wanted, so here I am. And today I am feeling more gratitude than I have in a long time. I think it's the snow.

I just finished a four day trip for work with Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, and Devil's Lake overnights. Usually I would hate the early morning wake up call on the last day. Getting up at 2:30 am my time doesn't sound very appealing. However, lately I have been jumping out of bed in the morning as if it's Christmas because I am so excited to be alive! I am thrilled to start my day and show kindness to every person I meet.

I ecstatically flipped through my eBook of "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" (by Dr. Joe Dispenza) on this trip, borrowed from my library and due in just a couple of days. I was able to finish the whole book before it was due, but I still ordered it from Amazon, since my goal is to complete his four-week meditation course at the end, and I want to have all information I can recreate my personality.

This book, I am telling you, has blown my mind.

I knew it was possible to unearth your shadow self through delving into your childhood and seeing why you bury positive or negative aspects of yourself (something I learned from "The Shadow Effect"), but it's also possible to take this knowledge and recreate yourself: your habits, your personality, and your future. I am so excited in the next few weeks to dream up the person I want to be!

Now that I've accomplished my dream of being a flight attendant, traveling, and speaking Spanish daily. I hope to dream up another life for when I am older, and I cannot wait to see how this unknown future unfolds.

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