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You know you're a flight attendant when:

~You immediately get annoyed when people ask about job (only because it's the same questions over and over again, i.e. "Do you always fly this route?")

~You start to point with two fingers instead of one (or feel offensive when you happen to point with one)

~You have tricks for the hotel rooms (like using a coat hanger clip to close the curtains for optimal blackout, pulling out fridge drawers so your whole lunchbox fits to prevent food from freezing, and checking all hiding spots before closing the door upon entry so someone can still hear you if you scream)

~You have fished your phone out of the blue juice in the lavatory toilet before (especially necessary if you're still making payments on an overpriced iPhone)

~You use acronyms without thinking, assuming everyone knows what a CSA or an FO (FYI, that means Customer Service Agent and First Officer), and pretty soon, your boyfriend is clued in and knows all of them

~You have more airport codes memorized than is necessary

~The thought of eating a Stroopwafel or drinking plane coffee makes you want to gag

~You will NEVER date a pilot, that or you are already dating/married to one

(Flight attendant friends, feel free to add more in the comments ;) )

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