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Today I've decided to take the first step in reframing my mindset towards more positivity. They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and in my life, this is so true. Every time I've wondering something, a book shows up in my life, and I get all the answers I've been looking for.

Recently, I was thinking that I really want to study Tarot and start doing readings. I had a friend over, and Olivia pulled a card for her about a question she had. Long story short, I thought, man if I could do this for a living, that would be freaking tight! It felt good to give advice to someone, but it's not even me doing it! It's their guides coming out through the cards, and I can just be the mouth piece! The next day, I went to the Arc and found Tarot Celebrations, a book detailing all the archetypes in the Tarot deck and encouraging work within through tarot work. I've been reading it for a week now, and I'm so excited to get into the world of tarot. I know it's a sign when synchronicities like this show up in my life.

A couple days ago, I found The Celestine Vision at a secondhand bookshop, which has been sitting on my Amazon wish list for over a year now. Obviously it wasn't the right time for me to read it. Lately, I've been struggling with some pretty intense anxiety. I feel tightness in my chest, making it harder to breathe. I've been blaming some of it on my negative view of life right now. I'm stressed out, and my negative thought loops are only making it worse.

I've been wondering why I've been feeling this way and what to do to fix it, and a text popped up on my phone from the Holistic Psychologist a few minutes later that said, "If your heart is pounding or your chest is tight, it's likely your nervous system is activated. The best thing to do is not react to it. Allow this to be. Walk + breathe slowly + evenly. Or if you're more comfortable sit + be still. Tell yourself: 'I am safe. Thank you for protecting me, body.' The practice is learning to watch the emotional storm come, then go." This message is the perfect example of a synchronicity.

I sat in the hot tub at the gym and opened up The Celestine Vision (I am a huge fan of The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight--see my article here on The Celestine Prophecy--and this book explores the real life application of his novels), and in the first chapter, Redfield delves into the magic of synchronicities. He attributes the word to Carl Jung who came up with the term when he noticed the frequency of magical "coincidences" in people's lives, that we often ignore and think they are pure chance.

Redfield said that our logical, scientific thought processes started in the Medieval times when charlatans would often take peoples money and trick them, preying on desperate people who were searches for mystical answers. This created a natural mistrust in the mystic arts, and people began to explore science more. The world needed to move in this direction to spark the industrial advances of today's world, but now we are moving back to the spiritual, intuitive forces for answers.

More people today express an interest in the mystical arts than ever before. Many of us have been let down by the religious world, Christianity in particular here in the United States. Christianity has begun to veer towards a more Phariseean model, focusing on the Church's requirements to be a good Christian. Rather than learning to rely on the Holy Spirit within, Christians turn outwards to an often-traditional pastor for their views. Sure, there are often doctrinal differences between a pastor and their church attendee because of how the church attendee was raised, but I, for one, while in the church, had stopped questioning and took the pastor's opinion for my own.

But I digress. Back to synchronicities. The belief in synchronicities brings the magic back to daily living, and this is where I hope to bring positivity into my life again. By noticing the little things, I can recognize them as God's "whisper" to me.

People don't just show up into your life for no reason. Since I've dove into spirituality, I've noticed my intuition at work because I now recognize synchronicities as Spirit's hand in my life. Have you ever thought of someone right before they called? Or had a dream about someone you hadn't seen in years and ran into them the very next day? I guarantee you that the more you notice the synchronicities in your life and embrace them, the more they'll happen to you.

So today, my goal has been to look for these magical events, it's made the day feel more mystical and magical. We just ate at a Chinese restaurant near the gym, and when I opened my fortune, it said, "Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid." So I tucked it away to remind me to always look for the spiritual realm, reaching beyond the veil, to send me subtle messages to remind me I am not alone.

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