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The Root Chakra

So today, I am working on my reiki homework. I'm taking a Kundalini Reiki class on Tuesday nights online. I really want to take a class in person soon and get my certification! This is a step in the right direction though. Our homework this week is to focus on a chakra each day. So today, my focus is the root chakra. I am wearing red and wanted to write about everything that comes to mind when I think of the root chakra.

It actually makes me a little uncomfortable to think about to be honest because the root chakra is also known as the tribal chakra (that's what Caroline Myss refers to it as in her book "Anatomy of the Spirit"), which means that not only is the chakra about connecting to Gaia's roots but also about connecting to our own roots, our family system. The tribal chakra is also about groups, having a deep sense of belonging, in our country, friend group, family, etc. And I'm struggling with the feeling of belonging immensely.

Ever since I left the Christian community, I have felt disconnected from my family. I only feel that belonging with a few friends. My friend Earon thankfully has kept me sane, encouraging me in my spiritual journey. She makes me feel like I'm not going insane. An online Facebook group AOD, which stemmed from Jessa Reed's original podcast Soberish and is now named after her new podcast (Awakening Orientation Department), also gives me that sense of belonging with people on this planet.

It's funny, in a sad way, that the dysfunctional archetype of the root chakra is the victim because I am victimizing myself when it comes to my family. I feel as if I've been shunned, like I no longer belong and they will always try their hardest to convert me so I don't spend my afterlife in eternal hell. Still, I don't play the victim on a daily basis in every aspect of my life. I know that what I experience has everything to do with me. My perspective can change my reality.

I know that I can reframe my thinking and know that I chose this family for a purpose, and they chose me. Yes, my family taught me many ideas that no longer serve me, but they also molded me into the woman I am today. My mom never placed high importance on her appearance, and I never even felt I was pretty for many years. I knew I was okay-looking, but now I know I am really beautiful. I'm thankful to her because I can go out with makeup and feel confident and know that my true worth lies deeper than my skin.

My dad taught me to enjoy working outside and the joy of a job well done. Now I am proud that when my husband asks me to unload firewood from the car or work in the yard, I'm not afraid to break a nail. I enjoy doing it and contributing to our household.

The Mother is the healthy archetype of the root chakra. If we are reparenting ourselves and connecting with our inner child, the Mother can come out more easily. We can connect with our bodies and see what we need and take care of ourselves.

Grounding is essential to having a balanced root chakra, and today, since it's finally cloudy outside and not blazing hot, I plan on going to the river with my daughter and walking around with her in the baby carrier. Then we'll both go by the water barefoot and soak in Mother Gaia's energy. It even grounds me to think about being in nature. I've been avoiding being outside for months now because of the heat, and it makes me feel so disconnected from the earth.

Because grounding is interconnected with having a balanced root chakra, I imagine being present is highly important as well. And I think disconnecting from technology/social media causes us to look up and be here now. When I notice I'm on autopilot, it helps me to look around at the objects around me and notice all the vibrant colors and to try to feel them radiating out. It's similar to the technique they teach people with high anxiety to ground themselves. Notice five things around you, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

And you're here and now. Surrounded by the color red. Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Allow the color to flow in every part of your being. You are grounded into Mother Gaia. Feel her presence. And enjoy this moment of peace. Breathe in. Breathe out. All is well.

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